Choose a selection of canapes to be served when your guests arrive
choose 3 , 4 or more
- Cumberland sausage pigs in blankets,
- Mini smoked cheddar scones, chive and cream cheese topping
- Cumbrian Smoked salmon and pickled cucumber relish on rye bread
- Feta, cucumber and olive skewers
- Warm lamb and mint mini skewers
- Goats cheese and tomato chutney toasts
- Taste of the Lakes Pate, orange on croute
- Cured salmon and piccalilli, crisp fennel bread
- Sticky Chianti soaked raisin and Cumberland sausage meatball
- Ham hock, Cumberland mustard and herb terrine, Westmorland relish
- Smoked goats cheese and chive pastry twists
- Roasted tomato, basil and parmesan palmier